Why it is better to outsource lead generation

Why it is better to outsource lead generation

If your company is growing, it could be a good idea to outsource certain aspects of your working activities; aspects that you need not necessary manage yourself. Lead generation is a good example of this kind of activity. For many companies, lead generation has a very high priority, making it important that it is done as properly and efficiently as possible. 

Lead generation can be a time-consuming job, since it requires digging through a large number of customers, looking for that one person who might consider purchasing something. Therefore, it is important to conduct (good) dialogues. This not only demands sufficient time (and manpower), it also requires you to have perceptive and insightful personnel, because sometimes customers aren’t even sure themselves whether they would like to make a purchase. In this, a sales representative can assist by informing customers and answering questions.

You pay per lead

As previously stated, time is an important aspect of lead generation. For some companies, generating one lead requires a considerable time investment. If that is the case, it could be a good idea to outsource lead generation. Of course, this also differs per company, because selling kitchens is different from running a webshop for office supplies. Concerning lead generation, you often determine a price per lead when outsourcing. In other words, you only pay for results.


If you outsource lead generation to a company that is specialised in your market, you can rest assured that the company in question will know everything there is to know about the market that your company is active in. This will save you the time and effort that would otherwise have been necessary to transfer this knowledge. And, with a good briefing or training, the company in question will also know everything there is to know about your products. This ensures your customers will receive the right information. But, a company that generates leads for a wide range of companies can also provide your customers with the right information if an adequate transfer of knowledge has taken place before getting started.

Special skills

Lead generation is a field of its own, much like every other department within your company. It is part of the sales process, but it is certainly not the same as “selling”. Companies that are specialised in generating leads have trained their personnel in such a way that they possess certain skills and have developed the instinct to be able to easily tell whether someone is a potential lead or not. Additionally, their personnel will know exactly what to say to persuade doubtful customers.

Less pressure

A pleasant added effect is that, by outsourcing as many possible parts of your company as possible, you create a calmer structure within your own company. There are fewer people in the workplace, which means fewer meetings. When you decide to outsource, you will only have one contact person with whom you discuss all your wishes and expectations, and who manages everything within the lead-generation “department”. Hierarchically, your organisation becomes more tranquil. Additionally, it reduces pressure and stress for your sales department.

No need to hire personnel

You also reduce your own workload by not having to hire and train someone each time you need a new personnel member. Hiring new personnel can be a difficult job, as every entrepreneur will confirm. The person in question requires the right knowledge and training, and hiring new personnel often costs more time and money.

Also, don’t forget that new personnel involves new material costs; a laptop, a (mobile) phone, the use of special software, maybe even an agenda… These costs add up. This time and money would perhaps be better spent on developing or improving a new product or working on a marketing campaign.

Better quality

Outsourcing lead generation generally produces leads that are of a higher quality. The lead has been informed extensively and therefore requires less information when your sales department takes over. This allows your salespeople to work more efficiently, saving time and a lot of money.

Collect and analyse data

We will round up with another, highly important aspect: the collection and analysis of information. This is another aspect that is quite time-consuming. Collecting data is an aspect that can be largely automated. However, this does not apply to analysing this information. The latter requires a periodical time investment to determine the state of affairs and change your approach if you are not achieving the desired results.

Determining which trends are active within your company and adapting your strategy to them is not something you can do in a day. In doing so, it can be hard to know on which points your current strategy should be adopted and how. It is important to try out new things and to test which of these things are most effective. This might give you the feeling that nothing is happening and that this is something that only costs money in times that few leads are being generated. However, this is an incredibly important step in the optimisation process, and will reap rewards later.

A specialised lead generator can easily determine where the bottlenecks are in your strategy and knows exactly how they can be solved or adapted. If you leave this task to a specialised company, you are unburdened of this worry, allowing you to rely on the fact that the strategy that is being used is the right one and is aligned with your company and customers.

Thus, outsourcing lead generation saves you time, money and stress, and is really a good idea for any company.