10 ways psychology can help you deliver better customer service

10 ways psychology can help you deliver better customer service

Once you understand your customers’ emotional needs, and how those needs influence their behaviour, delivering excellent customer service (and generating loyal customers) becomes a lot easier.

Here are 10 ways in which you can get psychology to work for you in delivering better customer service, will also helping you employees deal with customers in a more empathetic manner.

1. Know your customers’ needs and show that they matter

In our digitised, technology-driven world it is crucial that we still retain that special human connection with our customers. Acknowledging customers’ psychological needs and following a customer-centric approach is key. All human beings want to feel that they are acknowledged, and that their emotions and concerns are validated and respected.

To understand your customers and their needs, you need feedback. Gather this by:

  • Providing a clearly visible customer feedback button on your website.
  • Reading and analysing customers’ comments and reviews on social media pages.
  • Including surveys in your newsletters or as fun pop-ups on your website
  • Inviting post-chat suggestions through your live chat function

2. View each customer interaction as vitally important

This is crucial for building a customer-centric culture in a business. It may well be the only chance you ever have to ‘win’ this customer to your side, so make it count! Always:

  • Be cheerful, pleasant, positive, and welcoming.
  • Make the customer feel valued and important.
  • Respond quickly – customers hate waiting around in a vacuum!
  • Keep your answers clear, polite, and concise.
  • Give each customer your undivided attention by active listening.
  • Show your willingness to answer all queries.
  • Make an all-out attempt to solve their problem right away.

3. Tailor your communication to the customer’s expectations

Listen closely to the communication style and vocabulary of the customer and respond in a similar manner and style. Always give clear, authoritative, and precise information. Avoid unnecessary jargon.

Also make it quick, easy, and convenient for your customers to interact with you. Showing that you know that their time is valuable shows respect.

4. Make sure your clients know you are available 24/7

Show your customers that you are available to them in real time and on multiple channels. Knowing that interaction with your brand is immediately available develops a sense of belonging in your customers. This creates happy, invested customers that buy into your brand.

Remember – nobody likes to be kept waiting! An estimated 75% of customers will take their business elsewhere if they have to wait too long. Reply to every message, query or request that you receive, and make your answers prompt whenever possible. Using live chat is an excellent way to deliver this instant support.

5. Use social media channels to forge strong bonds with your customers

Social media is a major factor in brand visibility these days, and a great way to connect with your customers. Make it convenient for them to interact with you. Involve them in creating and generating content.

Make sure that that content you post is engaging and interesting and not just promotional. Respond to customers’ posts and requests, and make them feel heard.

6. Pinpoint your customers’ needs

You can identify and pinpoint your customers’ needs and what they expect from you in many ways. You can employ analytics, focus groups and social listening.

Having insight into your clients’ needs means you can not only meet their expectations, but exceed them. This will create an exceptional customer experience for them. Taking the time to get to know your customers and tailoring your customer service to their needs will show that you respect them.

7. View customer complaints as a chance for great CX

Most unhappy customers don’t complain, they just take their business elsewhere. So when a customer does complain, you should see that as an opportunity to improve your service to all your customers. It is an opportunity to address issues that may have cost you other customers.

Your response to a complaint should be appreciation at having this matter brought to your attention. Don’t get angry, irritated, or defensive. Thank the customer for the feedback and address their problem promptly and courteously.

8. Always try to resolve a customer problem the first time they raise the matter

If you don’t help a customer the first time they complain, you might very well not have a second chance. Start building trust in you by taking their issue seriously. Show them you will work hard to resolve their problem in a prompt and professional manner, right away.

9. Give customers a chance to express their emotions by showing you care

Showing humanity, genuine caring and empathy are powerful psychological motivators. So are demonstrating that you see a customer as a fellow human being and understand their position.

By striking an empathetic tone with customers, you validate their emotions and show them respect. You open the door for that customer to connect with you and your brand in a positive way.

By associating your brand with the good feelings generated by a positive customer experience, the customer is more likely to come back. Ask intelligent questions to show that you are engaging with their issue. Use a bit of humour or nostalgia to lighten the mood in a positive way. Avoid negative emotions, or subjects that might inspire sadness or anger.

10. Always be reliable and trustworthy

Your reputation is priceless and once lost is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to regain. Work hard to show your customers that they can trust you. Make sure you are always upfront and transparent, and deliver on promises and promotions.

If your customers know that they can rely on you and that you are there for them, they will feel a sense of security. Knowing that they can trust you and that you won’t let them down, will create a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

In conclusion

Never take your customers for granted. Always acknowledge their humanity and show that you respect and value them. Thank them for supporting your brand. Focus on providing value to them rather than just seeing them as a source of income. Make your customers feel good and valued, and you will reap the benefits!