10 ways to generate leads

Sales leads are an essential part of the marketing process. A steady flow of good quality leads, if properly handled, can lead to a regular flow of orders and ensures that entrepreneurs can plan ahead for confidence.

This article contains 10 popular, effective ideas for lead generation that you may want to add to your marketing arsenal.

Why would you do this? Many small business owners make the mistake of focusing heavily on 1 or 2 lead sources. The problem with this approach is that if one of those lead sources is depleted, you are in BIG trouble. It is much better to develop a wide spread of inbound sales leads.

So, let’s get started!

  1. Sales leads through word-of-mouth advertising
    If you want people to talk about you to their friends and acquaintances, you need to give them something to talk about! The golden rule of generating leads through word-of-mouth advertising is that you need to be at least remarkable if you want people to remark on you!
  2. Sales leads via e-mail marketing
    This is one of the most powerful forms of lead generation I have ever used. A professionally written e-mail marketing campaign can generate a constant flow of high-quality targeted sales leads for your company at very low costs. Don’t be like most small entrepreneurs by writing amateur texts, because this simply does not work.
  3. Sales leads via Twitter
    If you use it properly, Twitter can be a source of customers. A tip: be selective and do not just follow any person and ‘trend’ you encounter!
  4. Sales leads via telemarketing
    Although I do not recommend that you try this yourself, you might want to consider a professional telemarketing company as a source for lead generation. This works better in certain industries and countries than others, so be careful before you begin. Do research on the telemarketing company before you consider using it and ask for references.
  5. Sales leads via networking
    I choose to do all my networking online these days, but whether you choose online or offline, it’s important that you network with the right kind of people.Enter into relationships with people that either need your services or have access to people who need your services. Let them know what you do and the type of people you work with, so that they know who they can recommend you to. This will cause the volume and quality of the leads to increase significantly.
  1. Sales leads via mailings
    Mailings (also known as direct marketing) have grown into an ever more powerful way of generating leads. With more and more marketing occurring online, a personally signed letter from a colleague entrepreneur REALLY captures the reader’s attention these days.
  2. Sales leads via your website or blog
    What it’s all about: your site must become a lead generation machine for your business. Make sure your website’s SEO is on point and have your content produced by a professional copywriter, so that people feel forced to click your links and get in touch with you. Make sure it is easy for people to connect with you. Publish your phone number and e-mail address. If you use a contact form, ask for their name, e-mail address, and the message they want to leave. And why not offer live chat on your website as well? Some visitors prefer to call, others prefer to e-mail, and others prefer to just start a chat session.
  1. Sales leads via joint ventures
    I just wrote an article about this. Click the link to find out more about joint ventures!
  2. Sales leads via newsletters
    Newsletters are a great way to generate leads. I have noticed that a well-written newsletter that resonates with your audience is a very effective way of positioning yourself as THE person with the answers to their problems. When they decide to get professional help for their problem, you are their natural first choice. Make sure that you are approachable and let your readers know that you want to talk to them. Tell them that they can reach you without obligation and will treat their e-mail or call confidentially.
  1. Sales leads via advertising
    The right message, if communicated through the right advertising medium, can quickly produce measurable results. The reason why so many owners of small businesses say that advertising does not work is because they do not use professional copywriters, use the wrong marketing medium, and insufficiently focus on the right target group. But I assure you, advertising works! However, a barely inspirational message sent to the wrong people at the wrong time does not. If you are considering advertising and have tried but were unsuccessful, then either deploy a professional or don’t advertise at all! Ineffective advertising can be very costly.

Of course, I can think of many other ways to generate leads, but that would make this article far too long. I hope the above ideas have you thinking about investing in a number of new lead-generating activities.

Click here if you want to download our whitepaper about how to generate leads with live chat.